Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The journey of a chair sized burrito.

What would all of you do if you walked inside Walmart and saw the biggest burrito you've ever seen? Now that would be my dream! What if it was the size of a chair? Oh dear, that would be really expensive! Now, they only sell boring small burritos. There would be a good possible chance I'd buy it. But I don't think they'd sell a Chair Sized Burrito for 10 dollars. Probably 30? Anyways, Burritos that size go through a journey. 'The Journey of a Chair Sized Burrito'. First, they take a huge wrapping thing and plop the meat in a pan. The cook the wrapping thing in the oven and cook the meat Chimichanga style. Meat in Chair sized burritos is gonna have to be a HUGE amount of meat. I'd add peppers and onions! Well ofcourse, depending on the type of the burrito.
Then, when it's done cookie, they unfold the huge wrapping and dump the meat in it. They wrap it up tightly and cook it Chimichanga style again, in a HUGE pan in Olive Oil. Which would probably take about 50 minutes to cook a Chair Sized Burrito. And by chair I mean a HUGE chair. Or, it could be WAY more then 50 minutes! Well, it is possible to cook a chair sized burrito...I think.
Now back to 'The Journey of a Chair Sized BURRITO!'. Then, after a couple minutes- Or not just a couple, TONS of minutes- they take the giant burrito, set it down on the table and eat eat EAT!
Ah yes, even SMALL burritos go through a Journey and Adventure. Being made, being cooked, and being eaten. The same way a chair sized burrito would go through. Would you rather have a SMALL burrito? Or a BIG burrito?

Sam's Birthday Party.

Sam's birthday party was on September 12th. He turned 15. It was a great birthday party, we invited my little cousin, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, and my aunt's friend. Later on my second aunt came in. :).

The cake was really good! My aunt made it. She made it into a 'Guitar Shape' because Sam loves music and plays guitar. So yummy!